LinkedIn reaches 200 million users

Andre Yoskowitz
9 Jan 2013 20:56

LinkedIn reaches 200 million users

LinkedIn has reached 200 million users.

The professional social network reached the milestone this week, with members in 205 nations in 19 different languages.

"I'd like to thank each of you for helping build the LinkedIn network into what it is today," LinkedIn senior vice president of products and user experience, Deep Nishar, added. "It's been amazing to see how our members have been able to transform their professional lives through LinkedIn. You truly grasp the power of LinkedIn when you start to focus on these individual success stories."

The company reached its first major milestone of 100 million in March 2011, 8 years after launch. Clearly, growth has accelerated significantly.

LinkedIn says Turkey, Colombia, and Indonesia are its fastest-growing markets with mobile growth highest in China, Brazil, and Portugal. The U.S. is of course the most important, accounting for 74 million members.

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Social Networking LinkedIn 200 Million professional