Andre Yoskowitz
4 May 2013 16:08
To the dismay of thousands of happy users, Twitter announced last month that it was shutting down the popular TweetDeck AIR, TweetDeck for Android and TweetDeck for iPhone clients on May 7th.
Today, the funeral has been postponed, at least until June.
Reads Twitter's post:
We're extending the API v1 retirement date from May 7, 2013 to June 11, 2013, in order to accommodate additional blackout testing.
You can find a recap of what to expect on the final retirement date here. We'll announce the date and time of the next blackout test from @twitterapi soon.
If you have any questions about the retirement of REST API v1, legacy widgets, or the discontinuation of "basic auth" support in the Streaming API, please ask them in this forum.
Thanks everyone!