Uber app finally available on Windows Phone

Andre Yoskowitz
24 Jul 2014 22:26

Uber app finally available on Windows Phone

Windows Phone users now have an official Uber app.

Until this week, Windows Phone owners needed to access Uber through their browser, which was not as mobile-friendly as a standalone app is.

Uber is a billion-dollar startup that allows would-be passengers to use mobile apps to connect with drivers of vehicles for hire and ridesharing services. Passengers can also track which cars are around their area using the apps.

The taxi service company is now available in 150 cities in 41 countries, despite still being banned and protested in many places due to its ability to destroy the existing taxi industry.

Just like the existing iOS and Android apps, the Windows Phone version allows you to track vehicles, save a credit card on file to never worry about having enough cash, and compare rates for calling for a vehicle.

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