PlayStation Home shuttering in March

Andre Yoskowitz
27 Sep 2014 23:30

PlayStation Home shuttering in March

Sony has announced that its PlayStation Home service will be shuttering in March.

Says the company: "Due to a shifting landscape, PlayStation Home will cease publishing new content on November 12. Gamers in Europe, the US and Canada will be able to download content until December 3. As a token of our tremendous gratitude to the community, we will also be releasing a series of free content prior to the platform's closure on March 31, 2015."

Home is a virtual 3D social gaming platform that allows you to create your own avatar/sim which has its own apartment that you can furnish and fix up. You can travel the world which was updated by Sony and partners. The open areas had ads from the companies.

Unfortunately, if you spent money on Home, you will not get any refunds. "Due to the progressive and innovative nature of the gaming industry, PlayStation is unable to refund on legacy platform or service experiences," added Sony.


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