Toy maker Hasbro to merge with DreamWorks Animation studio?

Andre Yoskowitz
14 Nov 2014 12:32

Toy maker Hasbro to merge with DreamWorks Animation studio?

According to new reports, DreamWorks Animation studio is in talks to merge with major toymaker Hasbro.

Hasbro, the second-largest toymaker in the world behind Mattel, could certainly have some nice synergies after a merger given the ability to create consumer products off the popular films from DWA including How to Train Your Dragon, Madagascar, Shrek and Kung Fu Panda. Hasbro recently announced that most of its revenue growth has come via toys related to movie franchises.

DreamWorks Animation could also expand into TV and live-action films, categories in which they have actively been trying to enter in the past couple of years.

Habro has made good partnerships in recent years for their properties to be turned into films, including the Transformers, GI Joe, Candyland and Magic: The Gathering.


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