WATCH: Peak inside Nintendo Switch with iFixit teardown

James Delahunty
4 Mar 2017 11:50

WATCH: Peak inside Nintendo Switch with iFixit teardown

iFixit has once again documented a teardown of a popular new consumer electronics product; this time the Nintendo Switch, a Joy-Con controller and the Dock.

The Switch looks more or less what you'd expect to see, much like the inside of a laptop with a familiar looking heat pipe, thermal paste and so on. What is interesting is the metal plate which lays on top of the components appears to double as a heat sink, which channels heat from the heat pipe (though a purple blob of thermal paste) to the rear case (pictured).

We also see the non-replaceable 16 Wh battery (Nintendo plans to establish a paid replacement program in time), the customized NVIDIA Tegra SOC, 4GB of RAM (2 X Samsung K4F6E304HB-MGCH 2 GB LPDDR4 DRAM) and more.

Visit the detailed iFixit Nintendo Switch teardown to see more (including xray shots), and to learn to what extent the Switch was built with repairing in mind.

Also, watch the accompanied video below.

Image Source: iFixit

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