Redbox won't rent, sell video games anymore

James Delahunty
10 Dec 2019 21:41

Redbox signature red kiosks will no longer carry video games for rental, the company has confirmed.
Redbox game rentals provided a means to play through the story mode of a video game without having to purchase a copy. Unfortunately, Redbox is getting out of the video games business to focus entirely on movies from 2020.

Redbox customers had noticed that video game rentals had disappeared from their kiosks, but that there were still some games left available to purchase. The games will be available to purchase until the end of the year.
Engadget noted that there is an opportunity for some good deals before Redbox gets out of games entirely. For example, Death Stranding and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be available for $40.

Via: Engadget

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