console [sivu: 2]

Report: Xbox One Slim to launch this year
Microsoft has added 16 more backwards compatible games to Xbox One
Sony PlayStation 4 hits 30 million units sold
Microsoft: Original Xbox games on Xbox One 'not impossible'
Sony confirms PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility for the PS4
Microsoft reveals first 104 Xbox One backwards compatible games
Sony drops price of PlayStation 4 in Europe, Australia
Report: Konami is basically done with console gaming except for PES
Sony slashes price of PlayStation 4 in Japan
Sony adds new color choices to its DualShock 4 controllers as well as hard drive covers
Nintendo Wii U reaches 10 millionth unit sold
Lucky gamer finds rare prototype Nintendo PlayStation console
Best of E3: Mad Max is dystopian madness
Best of E3: Mass Effect: Andromeda is coming next year
E3 Video: The boys are back as superheroes in 'South Park: The Fractured but Whole'
E3 Video: Agent 47 is back for new Hitman game
E3 Trailers: Ubisoft's new 'For Honor' promises melee greatness
E3 Trailer: Here is the new Deus Ex: Mankind Divided gameplay trailer
E3 Video: The Fallout 4 gameplay video
Microsoft announces Xbox Elite wireless controller for hardcore gamers
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