iOS [sivu: 3]

iOS finally gets Google Play Movies and TV
iOS7 jailbreak released
IDC: Android claims 81 percent of smartphone market, Windows Phone growing
TiVo Roamio DVRs can stream to iOS devices
BBM on iOS, Android pushed back a week
BlackBerry launches Secure Work Space for iOS and Android
Age of Empires heading to Android, iOS devices
BlackBerry Messenger for iOS, Android coming in summer
Kantar: Android dominated global Q1 smartphone sales
iOS YouTube app adds live broadcast support
Smartphone users check Facebook on their phones 14 times per day
WhatsApp expanding subscription model to iOS
Mozilla: No Firefox mobile browser for iOS
Spotify finally updates iOS application
Facebook adds VoIP calling to iOS service
China tops U.S. as top smartphone and tablet market
Skype Video Messaging now live for iOS, Android and Mac
Codename 'iPhone Math' coming in June with 4.8-inch display
Report: 50 million Android and iOS devices activated in last week of 2012
'Hackulous' shut down for good
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