Jelly Bean

Jelly Bean reaches nearly 60 percent of Android market share
Android Jelly Bean now above 40 percent share of fragmented OS
Razr and Razr Maxx getting Jelly Bean
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean is finally here
Sony reveals Jelly Bean upgrade list for its smartphones
Android 4.0 and 4.1 now on a quarter of all Android devices
Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners finally getting Jelly Bean
Acer announces new Jelly Bean tablet
Samsung: Galaxy S III getting Jelly Bean this October
Ice Cream Sandwich breaks above 20 percent Android share
Samsung bringing Jelly Bean to Note, GS III soon
It's finally official: The LG Optimus G beast is here
R.I.P Flash on Android
HTC promises Jelly Bean for One X
Jelly Bean confirmed for Nexus S owners
Jelly Bean confirmed for Asus Transformer tablets
HTC confirms One X and One S getting Android 4.1
Google's latest Android statue melts
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean in-depth
Bloomberg 'confirms' Google tablet coming tomorrow
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