
Apple's $500 million batterygate settlement up for grabs 07/14/2020 12:13
Sweden drops charges against WikiLeaks' founder, Julian Assange 05/19/2017 5:47
Voltage Pictures will stop suing disabled people, kids over copyright infringement 02/22/2015 21:31
Voltage Pictures files new lawsuits against alleged 'Dallas Buyers Club' pirates 05/13/2014 21:31
Apple drops Galaxy S III Mini from patent lawsuit 12/30/2012 0:06
Ericsson files patent lawsuit against Samsung 11/28/2012 0:34
Label Century Media sues music downloaders 09/18/2012 22:00
Samsung owes Apple $1.05 billion after patent victory 08/24/2012 22:31
University in Taiwan sues Apple over Siri-related patents 07/30/2012 16:05
ITC tosses out Kodak patent case against RIM, Apple 07/22/2012 20:17
Apple is involved in 60 percent of all mobile patent suits 07/13/2012 19:14
Apple settles over misleading iPad 4G advertising in Australia 06/08/2012 12:53
Supreme Court declines petition from doctorate student sued by RIAA 05/21/2012 21:21
Legal fees starting to pile up for Paul Ceglia in Facebook ownership case 05/05/2012 12:28
Nokia sued by angry investors 05/04/2012 21:17
Microsoft ordered to remove Xbox 360 and Windows 7 from Germany 05/02/2012 23:36
Apple, Samsung battle reaches 50 lawsuits 04/28/2012 18:02
Facebook countersues Yahoo 04/03/2012 22:28
Lady walks into Apple glass door, sues for $1 million 03/26/2012 19:20
Megauploader users to sue U.S. over lost files 01/28/2012 10:17
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