
PayPal shuts down Mega's account, kills its payment processing
Kim Dotcom: RIAA, MPAA, DOJ deserve some thanks for Mega's explosive growth
MEGA's Kim Dotcom starts his own political party
Kim Dotcom's MEGA cloud storage service now with native iOS app
Kim Dotcom's MEGA exits beta, promises encrypted messaging and video chat next year
Kim Dotcom is building the most secure encrypted email service
Mega removes 3D gun design
Mega's Kim Dotcom announces upcoming encrypted email addition to service
Kim Dotcom reveals Mega one month milestones
MEGA accepts Bitcoin, will expand to secure e-mail, chat & voice, video and mobile
MEGA hack challenge turns up 7 security flaws so far
Kim Dotcom offers money for Mega hacks
40 percent of Mega resellers pull PayPal processing support
YouTube takes down MEGA launch video after takedown notice
Kim Dotcom sets press conference for Mega launch at his mansion
Kim Dotcom shows off some features of new Mega
Kim Dotcom's 'Mega' is now online
Kim Dotcom unveils Megaupload successor, Mega
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