
Researcher who fought WannaCry avoids prison for banking malware offenses
Former NSA contractor followed in Snowden's footsteps?
Yahoo was using a 'poorly designed' malware to scan emails for the government
Yahoo was secretly scanning your emails for the U.S. government
Rand Paul trying to block PATRIOT Act renewal
Kim Dotcom launches MegaChat encrypted video chat service
Former NSA GC: Google and Apple could be hurting themselves by encrypting their operating systems
Microsoft to U.S. government: Stop hacking data centers, end bulk collection
Yahoo encrypts data center traffic and promises to encrypt Messenger
Europe, Brazil planning massive undersea cable to avoid U.S. spying
VIDEO: Aaron Swartz, SOPA, NSA and 'The Day we Fight Back'
WaPo: The NSA is working on a quantum computer that can crack any code
Report: NSA installing spyware and hardware bugs on newly purchased PCs
NSA was monitoring online gaming communities like Xbox Live since 2008
NSA: Google chairman blasts reported spying as outrageous, possibly illegal
Tech giants petition congress on NSA, surveillance transparency
NSA targeted Firefox flaws to break TOR communications
NSA buys Zero Day exploits from Vupen
Zuckerberg: U.S. spying hurt trust
RSA warns against using encryption algorithm after NSA revelations
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