AfterDawn: Tech news

First commercial TMPGEnc will debut in January

Written by Petteri Pyyny @ 29 Dec 2001 2:50

According to their press release, TMPGEnc's developer Pegasys Inc. will finally debut with a commercial version of TMPGEnc in January.
TMPGEnc is probably the world's most popular MPEG-1/2 video encoding software and up until now there has been only the free version of the software available -- which still has all the functionality you can imagine of having. Now, the new TMPGEnc Plus, that will ship by end of January, 2002, has no 30-day limits for MPEG-2 encoding, supports higher MPEG-2 bitrates than the basic free version (new free version supports only 15Mbit/sec MPEG-2 bitrates and the Plus will support up to 80Mbit/sec bitrates), etc..

Company has also announced plans to ship TMPGEnc Server that would support multiple CPUs (basic and Plus versions support only 1 or 2 CPUs), commandline options, multipass MPEG-2 encoding (up to 20-pass vs. Plus version's 2-pass), etc..

Price for the Plus version will be 4800 Yen (appx. $37) and price for the Server version isn't available yet.

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