So when it comes to Digital Video I guess we have some good times to look forward to eh? :-)
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WOW! 22.2Ch that would be a lot of cables.. heh :-)
Ok...motion sickness? Japanese kids had seizures when watching pokemon. The episode featured a pikachu shock blast and it had a repetative change from blue to red.
Not to be racist... but Japanese are pretty fanatical when it comes to the media. But bring on the UHDV. Maybe we'll start taking TV pills! XD
I predicted there would be UltraHD!! Look at my last post here:
7,680 by 4,320, 60fps, 22.2ch audio, motion sickness, ive been waiting for this.
i predict tv will be real pretty soon. Motion sickness is just the first breakthrough, soon people will get shot and raped.