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Over 100 million Firefox downloads

Written by James Delahunty @ 20 Oct 2005 3:10 User comments (15)

Over 100 million Firefox downloads Mozilla Corp. said on Wednesday that the open source Firefox web browser has been downloaded over 100 million times, far exceeding expectations since its launch last November. The next big move for Firefox will be the release of Firefox 1.5 this fall. Despite the great news about the milestone Firefox has reached, the spreading of the browser has begun to slow down in it's competition with the dominant browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Firefox lost three quarters of a percentage point in September, which was its second slip in just three months. It's market share fell to 7.55% from 8.27% in August. It's best share was in June, where it had 8.71%. The spread Firefox marketing site is also back up and running now after being closed down two weeks ago due to a hack that could have exposed personal information of registered users.

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15 user comments

120.10.2005 04:34

Quite accurate percentage they use. How do they even measure these things? Do they just check every visitors browsers on a site?

220.10.2005 09:47

Well done to Mozilla FireFox! I've only been on it for about 5 days but NO MORE POP-UPS!! =D so I am very happy for them! Lethal

320.10.2005 10:25

Well done to Mozilla FireFox! I've only been on it for about 5 days but NO MORE POP-UPS!! =D so I am very happy for them!
Couldnt agree more, FireFox is excellent and very fast and ironically the only pop ups i ever get using FireFox are from afterDawn!!

420.10.2005 10:32

Download adblock plugin to FireFox, then you'll get rid of ads on sites. It will just remove them, you can choose which ads to block. Just type *ads* and *banner* to the filter, that takes care of most ads ;)

520.10.2005 10:43

Arcanix, Actually, i do have the Adblock plugin enabled yet still get the pop-ups from aD. Go figure ;)

620.10.2005 10:45

Yeah, I'm speaking about ads, not pop-ups. I have FireFox with adblock, zonealarm pro and peerguardian 2. Haven't seen ads or popups in ages.

720.10.2005 12:31

I just have to say i am glad to see someone making a dent in microsoft's monoply even though its a small one :) Well done to Mozilla. The should come up with a simpler OS and then we will see what happens... :)

820.10.2005 14:13

I really like FireFox in many many ways, but its customer service is almost non-existent and it will be the major reason it will not growl.

920.10.2005 15:20

why would you need custormer assistance

1020.10.2005 15:27

why would you need custormer assistance

1120.10.2005 18:30

I was a big FireFox fan but I've moved on to Opera now. seems much nicer to me with the exception of the inability to add many plugins. totally free to!

1220.10.2005 20:51

I needed customer assistance for several reasons. It wouldn't import my favorites from another service and it froze up on my several times, as well as a couple of other problems

1320.10.2005 22:35

congrats to mozilla:)

1421.10.2005 06:00

Well done and congrats to Mofilla FireFox

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Oct 2005 @ 6:02

1521.10.2005 17:24

wow 100million,i downloaded 1 too but i prefer opera

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