AfterDawn: Tech news

Analyst cuts PS3 sales predictions

Written by James Delahunty @ 16 Jan 2007 6:52 User comments (44)

Analyst cuts PS3 sales predictions According to analyst Nomura Securities, Sony will miss its sales target of 6 million PS3 consoles by the end of March 2007 by 25%. This would lower the total sales to 4.5 million by the end of the Sony's fiscal year. The analyst blames poor sales of the console over the holiday period (caused by several supply problems) for the new predictions.
To emphasize how it believes this will affect sales in the long-term the analyst also gave predictions for the year ending March 2008, with a reduction from the predicted 16 million figure to 10 million. Then to go one year further to the year ending March 2009, it predicts a reduction from the 18 million figure to 11 million.

Sony has shipped over 1 million PS3 consoles to the North American market and according to NPD, has sold 687,000 of those units in the region. The PS3 console is expected to launch in Europe in March 23rd.


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44 user comments

116.1.2007 19:52

Here's an idea. Don't make your console so expensive you have to sell 1 lung and a kidney to buy it and a game.

216.1.2007 22:26

true that ...Im just going to buy a wii fun and cheap just how i like it!.

317.1.2007 02:33

They love to talk about the 2 million units they've shipped.

They're not so forthcoming about the 1 million units unsold.

Nor why.

417.1.2007 02:38

Because they are mass produceing now which is a good thing.Unlike 360 which had a shortage which made people think they was selling out ...Retail stores didn't have any to sell.

517.1.2007 02:41

Spin away BobbyBlu, then read the story here, they're not selling no matter what gloss you try and put on it.

617.1.2007 02:47

Gloss on what.Read the news and you will see that alot of return are due to the fact people was hopeing to cash in on

The key word ispredictions.Seem like you really need to understand what words

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Jan 2007 @ 2:48

717.1.2007 03:33

The facts right now are 2 million shipped and only 1 million or so sold.

That part is not a 'prediction'.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Jan 2007 @ 4:02

817.1.2007 05:35

"Sony has shipped over 1 million PS3 consoles to the North American market and according to NPD, has sold 687,000 of those units in the region." Not sure how many were sold in Asia, but looks like only 687,000 here and there ain't no shortage when I walk into any store. I think it's time for Sony to lower the price. As for the 360 not enough were made and retail stores were holding on to them and slowly distributing them to make it look like a steady flow.

917.1.2007 05:39

I personally love my PS3. To me its no different than buying a high end pc to play games on except you don't need to upgrade something every time a new game comes out. What does an alienware pc cost anyway? As for the blue ray who cares as long as sony keeps making games for the PS3. I don't care if I ever watch a movie on it, that's not why I bought it. As for predictions, I predict when sony starts releasing more killer games the sales will increase as well.

1017.1.2007 05:46

PS3 or Intel E6600 or E6700 PC? Don't be silly, the PS3 isn't even in the same league......and in 3 or 4yrs time when maybe they are extracting the max out of it it'll be so much further behind the decent PC standard of the time as to be as laughable as comparing a PS2 to the E6600/6700 PC now. It's a games console. They can call it a 'media centre' all they like but it sure as hell isn't a neo-PC.

1117.1.2007 06:19

I'm talking about buying a pc that will last several years that won't constantly have to be upgraded. Not everyone can afford to go out and buy the best pc just to play games on or more ram or better graphics cards every six months. That is my point. Plus sony is getting a hell of alot more out of the ps2 than 3 to 4 years, so why would the ps3 be any different. If you don't like don't buy it.

1217.1.2007 06:26

If you don't like don't buy it.
- Er, that's exactly the point and topic of this thread.

People aren't buying them in anything like the expected numbers and are also now not expected to buy them in the numbers that had been forecast previously.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Jan 2007 @ 6:45

1317.1.2007 07:01

The analyst blames poor sales of the console over the holiday period (caused by several supply problems) for the new predictions. Er- That says the reason is because sony couldn't make them fast enough.I guess they should've jumped the gun and released without the blue ray. So that you have to spend more $ to have that option. We could go back and forth all day on this subject. I like sony you hate sony. Who cares?

1417.1.2007 07:13

I like sony you hate sony.
- Please. I don't feel any emotion for a multi-national CE company. Get real. I prefer HD-DVD as the superior system as it is cheaper, offers a sound and picture quality Blu-ray can only equal but is often inferior to and I don't like the fact that Blu-ray has more DRM loaded onto it (and Sony's track record there is something I wouldn't trust either). I believe the PS3 to be over-priced and not worth buying (maybe when it drops a couple of hundred and only then as a cheap Blu-ray player if there are still exclusive movie studios at that point). The current poor sales figures show I am far from alone in this and the projections indicate that is going to be the way of it for some time to come.

1517.1.2007 07:39

I guess the ps1, ps2, and psp were all failures too. You can like HD DVD all you want I DON'T CARE. I'm not on these boards trashing something because I don't like it. I'm here saying if you don't like it don't buy it and plese quit bitching about it. I'm so sick of flamers talking crap about a system that they don't even own. Go buy one and then bitch about how much it sucks. I don't have a 360 but I don't complain about how bad they suck either because I don't know. Like I said I didn't buy mine to watch movies on anyway. The sales figures will get better once people start realizing that adjusting for inflation, 600 bucks isn't all that much for a system that can do so much. It'll be worth it when they release killzone and some of the other better games.

1617.1.2007 07:48

I guess the ps1, ps2, and psp were all failures too.
- WTF? Where'd this come from, how is that in the least bit relevant to anything?
I'm not on these boards trashing something because I don't like it.
- Good for you......and neither am I. The news is the news. It's not my "trashing" anything. I'm just here saying why I think the events that are being reported are I am free and within my rights to do (just as you are to complain about it). It's perfectly relevant cos people like me aren't buying (clearly) and I think it's perfectly reasonable to say why.
The sales figures will get better once people start realizing that adjusting for inflation, 600 bucks isn't all that much for a system that can do so much.
- !? You think it'll get better if you argue theoretical economics non-buyers!? Wow, that's a new one. :lol: Dream on.
It'll be worth it when they release killzone and some of the other better games.
- You might think so but I'll bet the sales stay low and deeply disappointing no matter what games get released if they don't budge on pricing.

1717.1.2007 08:02

thats funny they dont mention how sony is losing nearly 1 million dollers a day by having to ship the ps3 from the factorys in japan and flying them all over the world also they cared not to mention the 300 + consoles that have died or failed or cooked or froze out even display models at your local gamestop have started to stop functioning thanks but no thanks 600.00 to much no one is going to give up there house or food to buy a video game console

1817.1.2007 08:10

we will just have to wait and see who wins the war no point arguing

1917.1.2007 08:20

Your quote "(and Sony's track record there is something I wouldn't trust either). " My response seems to on topic with your post. Yeah you're right sony will fail and go bankrupt. Your HD DVD will rule the world forever. How much was an atari back when they first came out on the market and what would they cost know if you adjusted for inflation? Gaming systems are expensive, period. But at least their hardware doesn't constantly have to be upgraded. I guess some manufactures are better than others at design and I guess some are better at distribution. You're also right about being able to say whatever you like. That is your right. Just go buy a ps3 and play it for a month then return it and get your money back. Then you can go on a complainfest the likes the world has never seen. Then you will actually know what you're talking about. You can bitch about how much it sucks how the world is such a terrible place for sony making it or whatever. As for blue ray again, I don't care if they ever make any movies or not. Just as long as they keep making the games I'm just fine. Also isn't there a dual format player out there as well? To me that sounds like the wave of the future. That way everyone can be happy and live in peace.

2017.1.2007 08:32

Just go buy a ps3
- No and I've told you why not.

.....and I don't need to have chucked a stack of cash at it to know it's not worth it right now either.

isn't there a dual format player out there as well? To me that sounds like the wave of the future.
- Yeah, there is.

A formerly Blu-ray exclusive manufacturer (LG) have announced at CES that they are going dual format.

It is the future, I fully expect most if not all the rest of the CE companies to move away from Blu-ray exclusivity to dual format eventually (certainly at least 1 more before this years end).

Same as movie studios are not moving towards greater Blu-ray exclusivity but towards dual format too.

You might say that's 'even' but you've got to be ignoring that they are coming away from being Blu-ray exclusives to say that.

No point moaning about it or trying to 'shoot the messanger' but the facts are clear, the market doesn't like the PS3 to anything like the degree that was expected, not at that price.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Jan 2007 @ 8:35

2117.1.2007 09:03

I bet you were having a similar argument a few years back about dvd format, right? DVD+R is better no DVD-R is better. Quote: "(maybe when it drops a couple of hundred and only then as a cheap Blu-ray player if there are still exclusive movie studios at that point)" Most people buy home theatre systems and players to watch dvd's not game systems. Also tell me why companies are making dual format players if blue ray is on the way out. Quote: "- No and I've told you why not. .....and I don't need to have chucked a stack of cash at it to know it's not worth it right now either." You can get your money back. Or just keep complaing about something you know nothing about. By the way since you have a crystal ball that can see the future, who is going to win the super bowl. Or better yet post some lottery numbers.

2217.1.2007 09:28

The SuperBowl winner is determined by illegal betting, The time with the most bets to win will be the one that loses

2317.1.2007 09:30

Sorry Time = Team! Dual Format saves consumers money, for the first year or so, So they aren't stuck with something like the Betamax

2417.1.2007 11:00

Most people buy home theatre systems and players to watch dvd's not game systems.
- That's true but sadly for the other Blu-ray CE companies the PS3 undercuts their efforts in price and has a slighly better spec thereby rendering their products pointless. One can imagine how thrilled they are to have helped develop and fund Blu-ray to end up being shafted like this by Sony.
Also tell me why companies are making dual format players if blue ray is on the way out.
- I didn't say Blu-ray was "on the way out". I said it was heading to be a mainly PS3 propriatary format (and with 96.5% of the sales of Blu-ray equipped machines being PS3 that is plain to see, not a prediction). The point (your are obviously trying hard to ignore) is that the Blu-ray exclusive companies are moving towards dual format. One has now declared and others have good reason to follow. It's the ex-Blu-ray exclusive companies that are hedging their bets and shifting from being exclusive Blu-ray producers to producers of both. The momentum is with HD-DVD, quite clearly. You don't need a crystal ball to see that.

2517.1.2007 12:51

I agree that dual format players are the way to go. But I'm telling you man if you bought a ps3 you would eat your words. It is awesome. I'm sure the 360 is just as awesome though I haven't bought or played one to know for sure. Anyway take care and thanks for the info.

2617.1.2007 13:14

Is it just me or are there ps3 on the shelves of all the stores, for the last month I could buy one from a number of places, but since they dont seem to be selling worth a chit on ebay theres no point for me to go buy one, i think slow sales where caused buy more than just a supply problem, the things just arnt selling period

2717.1.2007 14:09

Originally posted by LazyWorkr:
I agree that dual format players are the way to go.
- I think you're probably right because however this works out one way or another there will probably be a profitable enough market for each format no matter what happens, even if Blu-ray does retreat into being a mainly PS3 proprietary media.

You might be interested in this, they wasted no time and the LG dual format player is already on sale in the US.
I wonder when they'll hit the UK?

But I'm telling you man if you bought a ps3 you would eat your words. It is awesome.

- But this is where I think we have been at crossed purposes.

I'm actually quite sure that there is a lot to be impressed about with the PS3.

It's just that by my estimation it's not enough of one thing nor the other right now.
As I said if it get a bit cheaper I may well buy one as a cheap way into Blu-ray.
It's just that right now it's too expensive IMO for what it is.

I'm sure the 360 is just as awesome though I haven't bought or played one to know for sure.
- I really wouldn't know (cos I don't own one) but I'm sure you're right, I have seen video of Moto GP game on it and that looked incredibly realistic (and as I often say I reckon the 2 machines (XBox 360 & PS3) are very evenly matched, one slightly good at one thing the other another (although it does appear that developers are having a harder time with the PS3).

I've bought the XBox 360 HD-DVD add-on to use with my PC as an inexpensive way into high def which it excels.

Anyway take care and thanks for the info.
- You too, take it easy. ;)
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 17 Jan 2007 @ 2:10

2817.1.2007 17:44

any clue what the real price cut will be?

2918.1.2007 01:53

BobbyBlu, you just made your self look like a complete fool. "There returned because there not selling on ebay" Your right people arnt even paying the original RRP on ebay. No offence but that kind of shows only one thing about the console.

3018.1.2007 05:31

"The sales figures will get better once people start realizing that adjusting for inflation, 600 bucks isn't all that much for a system that can do so much. It'll be worth it when they release killzone and some of the other better games." Im sry but that statement is just plain stupid. That would be my car payment, rent, food and alcohol/cigarette budget for a month.

3118.1.2007 05:39

plutonash got that right 400 is my limit on console and PC for that matter :P

3218.1.2007 06:45

"Im sry but that statement is just plain stupid. That would be my car payment, rent, food and alcohol/cigarette budget for a month."

Well I guess you should quit smoking and drinking and then maybe you could afford more things. You call my statment stupid look at what you just said. You would rather develop lung cancer than spend 600 dollars on a game system. What a edited by ddp. Talk about edited by ddp your money away.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 10:07

3318.1.2007 07:25

With the pricing on Euro, UK and Irish PS3s just announced they may as well go ahead and cut those projected sales numbers again!

3418.1.2007 07:41

Thats right. When I go to bars and socialize with real people I tend to drink and have a couple of cigarette. I know its a far cry from you sitting you basement parents playing ps3 in the dark but its a start. So what if I smoke at most the luxury part of that equation is about 50 bucks a month. Big wippie doooo!!! I could get the $500 ps3 after taxes but with no game. That would be really fun watching the crappy transfer of talladega nights that looks like an upscale all. So I like many other people have bills to pay inflation or not. Get a life go out meet real women beside the the ones you meet on WOW.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 7:43

3518.1.2007 08:03

What smoker can go out, socialize at bars, eat, drink, and smoke on only $50 a month? What, do you go out once a month. It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other I'm glad people like you smoke, it shortens the amount of time people like me have to deal with you. As for the bar thing, been there done that. When you get a little more mature you'll realize it's all just a waste. Oh and my parents don't have a basement so I guess that's why my wife and I bought a house. You truly are a edited by ddp. All this flak because I said I like my ps3, I have to deal with a pathetic person such as yourself.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 10:06

3618.1.2007 08:25

Oh and also, what kind of car and apartment could you have for less than $600 a month? What do you drive a 1979 pinto and live in a trailer next to a nuclear power plant or some high voltage power lines. Maybe that's why you're edited by ddp . It's either the radiation or the magnetic field, huh? Well I guess if you only make $7200 a year sony didn't really figure you in to their equation.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 10:05

3718.1.2007 08:48

"Oh and also, what kind of car and apartment could you have for less than $600 a month? What do you drive a 1979 pinto and live in a trailer next to a nuclear power plant or some high voltage power lines. Maybe that's why you're edited by ddp. It's either the radiation or the magnetic field, huh? Well I guess if you only make $7200 a year sony didn't really figure you in to their equation."

have you ever been to college? i'm pretty sure including smoking, drinking, my apartment and my bills is covered by my lowly 400$ per month.

this is ontop of buying games for my roomates PS3. before you talk crap think, you sound less stupid

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 10:06

3818.1.2007 09:22

You're the edited by ddp that comes out barking at me. You'd think since you were in college you'd be a little more mature. So edited by ddp.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 10:04

3918.1.2007 10:04

LazyWorkr, lightning struck!!! all posts edited. anybody else wants to go??!!

4018.1.2007 10:07

I think Lazywkr or whatever the hell his name is also Bobbyblu they both say the darnest things. When did housing,a car note, and food become a luxury. I think EVERY single person on this board would consider those necessities in life since people a.)generally like sleeping in houses rather the street B.)people need cars to travel to work and such C.)and this may be news to you but people need to eat. The luxury part would also be money I spend on entertainment for myself thats the 50 bucks. Do I have spell that out phonetically so you understand you . Also why would it matter if I made 7200 (I make much more) a year I'm in college with a future future and xtra +600 plus burning a hole in wallet. Im interning right now at Campuseai doing video editing hence the huge amount of free time I have. Go ahead google them I even provided with a why to whois me since you think your such the internet badass and it my way or the highway. Go ahead bang away on you keyboard all red faced thinking you doing your "masters" bidding. It isnt going to sell one ps3 hell you have done the opposite. ATTN: This is what a rabid fanboy looks like.
PS: there this thing called a roomate that can help with rent, weird stuff ah who would have thought?

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Jan 2007 @ 3:58

4119.1.2007 12:11

plutonash, knock it off!!
6. No foul language, insults, personal attacks or otherwise rude messages.

4219.1.2007 20:01

So they blame it on shipping problems not Nintendo taking a piece of their pie. I say Well done to Nintendo.

4321.1.2007 11:59

You two knock it off or I'm telling your mom's

4424.1.2007 18:51

shh... I think big brother is listening

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