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UCSB researchers claim breakthrough in blue laser diodes

Written by James Delahunty @ 30 Jan 2007 6:55 User comments (15)

UCSB researchers claim breakthrough in blue laser diodes Shuji Nakamura, a pioneer of laser diode science, has led a team of University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) researchers in creating a new type of blue laser diode. The group said that the new diode could potentially replace the c-plane violet laser diodes used by both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD hardware.
UCSB said the team has achieved lasing operation in nonpolar gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductors and demonstrated the world's first nonpolar blue-violet laser diodes. "Our initial results of the first violet nonpolar laser diodes with a low threshold current density demonstrate a high possibility that current c-plane violet laser diodes used for HD-DVD and Blue Ray DVD could soon be replaced with nonpolar violet laser diodes, which require lower operating power and have longer lifetimes," Nakamura said through a statement.

The new blue-violet laser diodes displayed threshold current densities as low as 7.5kA/cm2 clear far-field pattern and a 405 nanometer wavelength. The gallium nitride-based laser diode is based on novel nonpolar orientations of GaN that were pioneered at UC Santa Barbara, according to the university.

"This is a groundbreaking advancement in laser diodes and a major step in solid-state lighting technology," said UCSB Chancellor Henry Yang. "The blue-violet laser will improve high density optical data storage for high definition TV, video discs, and optical sensors, and will also have applications in and long-term benefits for the communication, entertainment, medical, and environmental areas."


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15 user comments

130.1.2007 19:11

so in 5 years all the movies/games will come out in this format and you will have to buy them all over again

230.1.2007 19:24

No, it means that Blu-ray drives are going to last longer and be more energy efficient. It isn't a new format, just better technology for an existing format.

330.1.2007 19:26

yep, thats what it means, it also is good to see advances in blue laser diodes consider a lot of the PS3's launch delays and limited supplies were caused by diode production problems.

431.1.2007 05:37

This is very Good News, but it also mean that all people who jumped right into HD first generation has now de less eficient and less lifelasting drives, wich kind of make sense to all the people saying everywhere "Dont buy fist Gen Stuff"

531.1.2007 07:05

thats great longer life for the products we buy!

631.1.2007 07:11

This is great news, not only greater densities but speed/performance should increase as well. Also they state nonpolar which should make assemly cheaper, less problems. I agree with the don't buy 1st gen stuff but these days when they fix problems it seems they create new ones, so is 2nd, 3rd, 4th.... and so on better? Maybe...

731.1.2007 09:03

Great. That's a really major point there about the longer life-time; it can't happen soon enough. Currently a 'blue laser' is reckoned to be good for approx 3yrs at 'normal' usage. (sadly this idea of 'normal' is never quite specified.) I'm guessing that using an all-in-one machine for games and high def DVD isn't the smartest idea when you keep this in mind. .....but you know how it is, some people just won't be told. :lol:

831.1.2007 14:41

blu ray sucks more and more people are buying HD-DVD because it is cheaper

92.2.2007 04:42

It's amazing how the fanboy shills avoided this one like the plague.

Has anyone been mentioning blue laser life expectancy, anywhere - at all?

If 3 years is the expected 'life' for the present generation with 'normal' use the how much less is that going to be if you use a single blue laser for games and movies in an all-in-one together?

I wonder if anyone thought to ask?

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 02 Feb 2007 @ 4:42

103.2.2007 15:19

Wow, not one comment from the shill brigade.


Hasn't anyone found out the official line yet on how quickly your $600/£425 'investment' becomes a useless over-sized lump?

115.2.2007 01:50

......and still those propagandist shills for the 'all-in-one' games and movie playing machine won't touch this one.

I wonder why?

No news on the PS3's (short) blue laser life-expectancy then, huh?

ha ha ha ha ha

1212.2.2007 12:05

Is there still no word yet on what sort of laser life-expectancy one might expect from an all-in-one games machine & movie player?

1312.2.2007 12:58

hahahaha hugjars

Im afraid they dindt even suscribed to this thread

1412.2.2007 16:00

Amazing tho isn't it?

They expect you to lash out a heap of dosh on something where the single most vital component is known to have a fairly short and limited lifespan (and let's face it that's as a movie player only).

You'd have thought someone might have been interested in what sort of life-expectancy there is when you run the thing as a games machine for umteen hours a day and your movie player as well.

The silence speaks volumes.

Perhaps the scripts haven't been prepared for this question yet?

1512.2.2007 16:32


i do find it funny no one answers, but i odnt find the laser the most vital part of the ps3 though, its actually more like a tradition have to replace play station lasers, thetvwe been faulty since psx, and they havent stoped sony before, so i wouldnt expect any more quality from the new generation

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