10million is too much, for the price, contract, and a phone.
Its a *#$%&^ cell phone people!!! $500???!!!!! CRAZY!!!!!!
all this shows is that there is AT LEAST (assuming that the numbers are accurate and not inflated) 1 million people who are interested in a phone that uses out of date cell technology (which if i remember right is the #1 reason people have cell phones-- to make/receive calls!!??) that can play itunes.
Give me a phone that uses current modes, plays unrestricted songs, allows me to put cuts of my paid for music on as ringtones (without having to download it and hence pay for it again) increase signal strength, reduce drop rate and other bells and whistles and thats the phone the other 99 million cell phone users will buy!
LOL @ Apple and cingular!
PS I am sure all the apple fanboys will suck it up and it will turn a profit. But at $600 bucks a phone, $250 to make a phone, the contract percentages that cingular screwed themselves into paying apple and apples total control of the phone returns and refunds I AM SURE they will turn a profit on this as well!
x2. It amazes me to see people walking around with $300+ phones. $300 just to And now a $500 phone? Stupid, just stupid.
Come on guys. $500 is the MSRP that no one uses. The newest Smartphones 'cost' $500 unlocked. Who pays $500? No one. It's built into the carriers contract. You pay either nothing or $50 or something.
Aparently it's only available from Cingular. Interesting. I thought it would be multiple carriers.
I'll have to check into the pricing and terms of the contract.. I kind of want one.