He also added: "I also want to say, because I know how painful all-nighters are: Congrats to the WGA team for getting things working again. It's not your fault that the company policy is bad."
Yahoo (NF)
haah looks to me he was halfway putting his money where his mouth was, then he turned YELLA and decided not to publically bash microsoft mistake in fear of pissing off microsoft.
WGA is crap
There are modded versions of XP-SP2 available on the net that pass WGA & allow updates from the M$ site directly. Some install in less than 10 mimutes flat. What more can ask for?
I wonder what percentage does $29 billion make up as compared to total revenues of all software officially sold? Would give one an idea of piracy levels.
I know that this doesn't happen frequently, but I've read about it enough to really make you wonder what "advantages" genuine software provides. Never seen a problem on pirated/cracked/patched systems.
As far as updates, Firefox has a plug-in that serves as an excellent workaround, and there are at least two other sites that offer the MS updates.