Paramount says the titles will be exactly identical to the original releases, with no new specs or supplemental features.
There was no word on suggested price, but we will let you know.
And then they cry that Blue-ray didn't do to good.
Mhm i wonder why. wouldnt happen to do anything with re-publishing the stuff we already bought now would it.
Nah hell lets just slap tomb-stone or Mary popin's on blu-ray. and sell it to match are inflated prices... no logic what so ever
These were titles that were released before Paramount switched to HD DVD exclusive in August 2007.
They were pulled off the shelves and were probably sitting in a warehouse somewhere. No use keeping them locked up. It makes perfect sense to just put them back out on the shelves and make money off of them.
Originally posted by eatsushi:
They were pulled off the shelves and were probably sitting in a warehouse somewhere. No use keeping them locked up. It makes perfect sense to just put them back out on the shelves and make money off of them.
Quote:That confirms it.
Paramount says the titles will be exactly identical to the original releases, with no new specs or supplemental features.
Originally posted by eatsushi:why do you think that the MPAA block you from format shifting, then they slowly remove the ability for ppl to play old media forcing you to purchase you content all over again at a jacked up price.
These were titles that were released before Paramount switched to HD DVD exclusive in August 2007.
They were pulled off the shelves and were probably sitting in a warehouse somewhere. No use keeping them locked up. It makes perfect sense to just put them back out on the shelves and make money off of them.
Besides Untouchables doesn't anyone even really care. They're garbage titles.
@ sam1dog
depends on the price, if its the same as the dvd bargain basement equivalent dvd because the studios have already recouped their costs made a profit from the films and now they are deciding to encourage the HD television format, (pc's have been hi-res for many many years) then maybe, but would they release any blu-ray's for £2?
blu-ray pointless overpriced media, don't waste your time stick to up-scaled dvd's ppl.
Originally posted by nobrainer:I will agree with you that the upscaled DVD's are very nice on an HD set. I also must admit that many average consumers can't tell the difference between the two formats at first glance. So upscaled DVD's are a really good option for those who have the money for an HDTV but (for some reason) can't afford a Blu-Ray player.
blu-ray pointless overpriced media, don't waste your time stick to up-scaled dvd's ppl.