The figures said that 714,000 Wii consoles were sold during the month, and that brought total lifetime sales in the US to 9.5 million. On Wednesday, Microsoft announced that its Xbox 360 console had become the first next gen console to hit 10 million US sales. It seems the Wii will get their next month, not to mention that the 360 was out for a full year before the Wii even hit stores.
For the month, only 188,000 Xbox 360 consoles were sold, meaning Nintendo's console eclipsed Microsoft's by almost a 4-to-1 margin.
The PlayStation 3 lagged behind a little bit, selling 187,000 consoles to almost match that of the 360 for the month.
As usual, the Nintendo DS and Sony PlayStation Portable sold well, moving 415,000 and 193,000 units respectively.