CBS has said that it has struck a deal with Yahoo to allow its web videos to be shown by the latter company. The deal is part of an ongoing plan for CBS to have new outlets online for its TV shows.
The deal means Yahoo would join the CBS Audience Network, which now includes huge web outlets such as YouTube, AOL, MSN,, Joost, Veoh, and Bebo.
The whole Network offers short movies and shows from CBS, CSTV and Showtime, and with this new deal should reach over 90 percent of the web. All the clips are supported by advertising and are free to users.
CBS has always maintained that it would rather have its content available to as many internet users as possible, unlike broadcasting rivals such as NBC Universal which have rigidly tight restrictions on all content.
The whole Network offers short movies and shows from CBS, CSTV and Showtime, and with this new deal should reach over 90 percent of the web. All the clips are supported by advertising and are free to users.
CBS has always maintained that it would rather have its content available to as many internet users as possible, unlike broadcasting rivals such as NBC Universal which have rigidly tight restrictions on all content.