The movie retails for $25 and the game for $60, so all in all you are get $85 worth of items while getting the console you may have been purchasing by itself for the same price.
For those interested, the link is here: Amazon PS3, Blu-ray promotion
from the link you provided, it looks like the offer ended. too bad, too. it was a really good deal.
Not bad, but I think alot of people woulda preferred getting $85 of the price and nothing additional rather than $85 worth of extra stuff for free.
Originally posted by atomicxl:Speak for yourself, free stuff is always great :)
Not bad, but I think alot of people woulda preferred getting $85 of the price and nothing additional rather than $85 worth of extra stuff for free.
I agree somewhat with atomixl, where it would be nice if the console was initially cheaper. But that would never happen. By bundling, they can guaranteee that a game or movie is "sold". The profit division is tracked. The movie industry and game dev will get a portion of the $85 value. If they just drop the price by $85, someone can buy $85 worth of used games, and the devs and movie industry will not see a profit at all.
At least with bundling, everyone sees some money and the customer does get a good value. If one is not a fan of the bundled game or movie, one can always sell it and get a couple of used games.
So let's hear it for bundling!!
There were better offers over the atlantic on both amazon and other online sites, this from -
1) 80 GB console
2) Blu Ray Movie
3) Far Cry 2 (steel case box)
4) Little Big Planet
5) Bluetooth remote
6) dual shock controller
7) hdmi cable
for a total of £ 283 delivered or $ 418 for our american friends
not bad considering electronics, games, consoles etc are traditionally about 30 % more expensive in the UK.
i think more ps2's have to start breaking before more ps3's will really sell. the ps2 was an awesome console, heralded as the center of family entertainment. the xbox couldn't compete with that, but they made sure the 360 could, by offering a better version of everything the ps2 had. then the ps3 came along with a ton of features i don't believe anyone cares about.
oh, and in the late 90's when the ps2 came out, everyone had tons of surplus money in their pockets. now we're facing recession and the ps3 can't drop it's price fast enough.