The DVDs with added microSD cards will cost ¥1,000 ($11 USD) more than the DVDs without it however, adding a heavy premium for the digital copy.
Pic via Arstechnica:

sweet! :)
why? when it's so easy, legal and free to rip your own dvd's
11$ sounds like a hefty price for a smaller version of the movie. Yeah it would make sense to just download it though online at least you can redownload it I would think if you deleted it off your hard drive. If you lose that little stick than your out 11$.
I really like this idea.
The road map recently published shows us 2tb cards are coming with transfer speeds of 300Mbps (6 x what Blu-ray can do).
All it needs is for prices to fall like they have done with the SD cards we now can buy (up to 16gb is very cheap).
A little collection of big capacity cards would be so much more convenient than those bulky piles of movie cases we have now.