AfterDawn: Tech news

Samsung denies it is dropping Symbian OS

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Nov 2009 1:16 User comments (2)

Samsung denies it is dropping Symbian OS Yesterday we reported that handset manufacturer Samsung was dropping Symbian OS support and moving fully to WinMo, Android and Bada, their new proprietary smartphone OS.
Today, Samsung has refuted that claim, saying the original rumor, which quoted senior vice president Don Joo Lee, "is not it line with Samsung's smartphone strategy."

Samsung also gave the following quote: "Samsung is an initial member of Symbian Foundation and continues to cooperate with Symbian Foundation. At the same time, Samsung supports various existing open operating systems including Symbian, Linux, Android, and Windows Mobile. To provide more choices to meet consumers' many different tastes and preferences, we will continue our 'multi-OS' strategy. Our policy is to provide what consumers want when they need."

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2 user comments

114.11.2009 14:30

Sorry Samsung I was not aware you had a smart-phone strategy. You seem to be trying to reach to all markets to see what one will become the next dominate platform. At least that is all I can gather from their previous choices.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 Nov 2009 @ 4:22

214.11.2009 15:26

shows what he knows eh? .. windoze mobile IS NOT an open os...

Samsung have a lot invested in symbian, and it seems to work well for them.

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