AfterDawn: Tech news

Twitter's ad revenue will triple this year

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 24 Jan 2011 11:05

Twitter's ad revenue will triple this year

According to Internet research firm Emarketer, Twitter's ad revenue will likely triple to $150 million this year.
Twitter introduced its ad program in April 2010.

The company believes revenue can top $250 million in 2012, as more corporations join early adopters like Nissan Motor, Hewlett-Packard and Starbucks.

Twitter currently has 175 million registered users, and competes almost directly for ad dollars with giants like Facebook and Google.

Despite the large user base, a Pew report in December claims only 8 percent of U.S. Internet users have Twitter.

Says EMarketer (via Bloomberg):

The company is definitely attracting brand advertisers. The difference is going to be whether Twitter can prove itself to advertisers as delivering results. I think this will be the year that we know a lot more.

Twitter is current valued at $3.7 billion, after 5.5 percent of shares were sold for $200 million last month.

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