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Xbox One to get DVR feature this year?

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 06 May 2015 8:42

Xbox One to get DVR feature this year? According to Windows insider Paul Thurrott, the Xbox One should be getting a DVR feature later this year.

Currently, Xbox owners have TV tuner capabilities, but you can only pause live TV, not record it.

While DVR makes 100 percent sense given the Xbox's media center tech and its HDMI-in support for cable boxes, there is a major logistic issue. The Xbox One has a standard 500GB hard drive, which may not be enough to record your favorite episodes and hold games that can be as large as 40GB each.

Of course, Microsoft could allow for recording to external hard drives or flash storage, but we won't know until later this year.


AfterDawn: News

Microsoft seen as suitor for Salesforce

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 06 May 2015 7:59

Microsoft seen as suitor for Salesforce CRM king Salesforce apparently has a major suitor: Microsoft.

Salesforce has already hired two investment banks to help it respond to offers, and is open to being sold.

The company's suitor will have to pay a pretty penny to get into the customer relationship management business. Salesforce helps companies interact with customers including tech to organize marketing, sales, customer service, tech support and more.

Microsoft has a partnership with Salesforce to ensure their software integrates easily, and each company's CEO has said great things about the other company.

As of writing, Salesforce has jumped over 15 percent in the past few weeks and is now valued at near $47 billion.


AfterDawn: News

Nvidia discontinues their LTE modems

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 06 May 2015 3:39

Nvidia discontinues their LTE modems Nvidia has announced they are winding down their Icera division, the team responsible for developing LTE modems.

The company purchased Icera in 2011 but was never able to compete with market leader Qualcomm, and more recently even with MediaTek or Intel.

Initially, Nvidia had a goal of integrating their own Icera modems into the popular and powerful Nvidia Tegra processors, but only one such hybrid exists - the Nvidia Tegra 4i - and it never made it to any device worth mentioning.

Noted Nvidia:


AfterDawn: News

Android Lollipop movin' on up as it nears 10 percent share

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 05 May 2015 10:58

Android Lollipop movin' on up as it nears 10 percent share It took quite some time for Android 5.0 Lollipop to gain some traction but the latest Google operating system is finally reaching a significant milestone.

As of the period ended May 4th, Lollipop 5.0 is on 9 percent of Android devices and the latest Android 5.1 is on 0.7 percent of devices.

At the end of March, that figure was still floating around 5 percent so the growth has been significant in the last thirty days or so.

Android 4.4 KitKat fell a few percentage points to 39.8 percent but remains the dominant Android OS for the time being.

AfterDawn: News

PlayStation Now subscriptions headed to PS3 next week

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 05 May 2015 10:10

PlayStation Now subscriptions headed to PS3 next week Sony has announced today that PlayStation Now subscriptions are headed to the PS3 on May 12th.

Gamers will have access to over 100 of the most popular PS3 games on their PS3, PS4 and some Sony TVs.

PlayStation Now allows for unlimited streaming of games for as low as $15 per month.

Additionally, Sony has added four new titles to the service including 'Fat Princess.'


AfterDawn: News

Microsoft sues IP address that allegedly activated hundreds of pirated Windows products

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 May 2015 11:25

Microsoft sues IP address that allegedly activated hundreds of pirated Windows products Microsoft has filed lawsuit this week against a Verizon IP address that allegedly activated hundreds of pirated Microsoft products like Windows.

The Verizon IP address,, is said to have activated mainly copies of Windows 7 using "stolen" product keys, or keys that have been used more times than their license allows.

"As part of its cyberforensic methods, Microsoft analyzes product key activation data voluntarily provided by users when they activate Microsoft software, including the IP address from which a given product key is activated,"
the lawsuit reads. "Microsoft's cyberforensics have identified hundreds of product key activations originating from IP address is presently assigned to Verizon Online LLC. These activations have characteristics that on information and belief, establish that Defendants are using the IP address to activate pirated software."

Microsoft is seeking to impound all the infringing materials, statutory damages and attorney fees.

Check out a PDF of the lawsuit here.

AfterDawn: News

Comcast and Time Warner spent over half a billion on failed merger

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 May 2015 10:00

Comcast and Time Warner spent over half a billion on failed merger According to Comcast's most recent earnings report, the cable giant has spent over $330 million in 'transaction-related costs' in its attempt to acquire Time Warner Cable, and Time Warner has spent over $220 million.

Comcast proposed to buy TWC in February 2014 for $45.2 billion and just canceled the proposed merger last month after it became clear it would never make it through Federal regulators.

In the Q1 alone, ended March 31st, Comcast had $99 million in costs related to the acquisition, and Time Warner Cable had $24 million in costs.

"The costs are mainly for legal fees and outside consulting firms--everything from Human Resources and IT consulting to banks and management consulting services," said Comcast VP of Government Communications Sena Fitzmaurice. "Communications and lobbying fees would be included--however, what is included has to be direct and incremental--so only those fees that are directly and incrementally associated with the deal."

At least there was one positive for Comcast shareholders: no break-up fee. The company says the deal was structured without an expensive break-up fee involved, which can sometimes reach into the billions. One recent example is AT&T's failed purchase of rival carrier T-Mobile in 2011. When the DOJ killed the merger, AT&T had to pay T-Mobile $4 billion in cash and spectrum, effectively reviving the carrier and allowing it to go on the offensive with pricing.


AfterDawn: News

Report: Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 and Tab S2 9.7 coming next month

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 May 2015 9:43

Report: Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 and Tab S2 9.7 coming next month According to new reports, Samsung's Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 and Tab S2 9.7 tablets are coming next month, high-end successors to the Galaxy Tab S.

The tablets will be thinner than the standard bearer iPad Air, and both will be available as Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi/LTE models. Just like their predecessor, the tablets will launch around the globe including the US, Canada, Europe, China, Latin America, Hong Kong, Korea, and India.

Powering the tablets are a 64-bit Samsung Exynos processor, 3GB RAM and Android 5.0.2 out of the box. The S2 8.0 has an 8-inch SuperAMOLED display at 2048 x 1536 while its larger brother has a 9.7-inch model and the same resolution. The smaller device is just 260 grams and the larger model is 407 grams. Although there will be few that can actually use it to its full potential, the S2 has a Cat. 6 LTE modem allowing transfers up to 300Mbps.

Design-wise, it is expected to look just like the predecessor Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (pictured) but with the aforementioned 4:3 ratio.


AfterDawn: News

Rare to unveil new game at E3: Is 'Banjo Kazooie' coming?

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 May 2015 8:49

Rare to unveil new game at E3: Is 'Banjo Kazooie' coming? Rare, the developer behind the massive hits Battletoads, Banjo-Kazooie and Goldeneye for Sega and N64 is preparing to launch a new game at the E3 gaming expo next month.

Both Microsoft, who acquired the company, and Rare, have both confirmed a new game is coming but has let few details slip.

While it is possible Rare is creating an entirely new game, nearly everyone expects a remake of one of the aforementioned IPs, with a Banjo sequel the most likely.

If indeed it is a new Banjo, there will be an interesting rivalry brewing. Most of the developers behind the original game are currently working on Yooka-Laylee, a platformer in the exact spirit and concept as B-K, but without the original IP or the big funding of Microsoft. Yooka-Laylee has raised $2 million on Kickstarter in just 48 hours showing that there is certainly a market out there for cartoon duos going on adventures.

Furthermore, Yooka-Laylee will be available for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One and Wii U, while any Rare game is expected to be an exclusive.

AfterDawn: News

Gamers really, really want Konami to release 'Silent Hills'

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 May 2015 8:57

Gamers really, really want Konami to release 'Silent Hills' Earlier this week, Konami seemingly broke gamer's hearts when they announced that 'Silent Hills' had been canceled.

The game, the ninth in the popular horror survival 'Silent Hill' series, was to be directed by the legendary Hideo Kojima, in collaboration with film director Guillermo del Toro and voiced by The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus.

After the game was canceled, one gamer took to to start a petition to have the game continue in its development and as of writing, there are now 70,000 signatures.

Reads the petition:

Dear Hideo and Guillermo,

hearing the cancellation of one of the most anticipated horror games is about the most heartbreaking thing horror fans had to swallow this year.

Since the first sight of the P.T Demo it was instant love, and it burned into the minds of everyone that this had to release at some point.

Although the reasons are not yet announced I am begging you along with countless others: Please continue the Development on Silent Hills, if the issue is money related, we would love to see a Crowdfunding campaign like Kickstarter to ensure you are getting all the financial help there is! WeŽd love to see it happen at some point and want to thank you for all the great games you have released so far!


AfterDawn: News

Comcast aiming to launch a YouTube competitor

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 May 2015 7:47

Comcast aiming to launch a YouTube competitor According to a new report, Comcast is looking to build its own online video service that can compete with Google's YouTube.

"The proposed video service would mark a brand new chapter for Comcast, which would be able to play in a loosely regulated market, reach a national audience and possibly even make its service available outside the U.S.," reads the report. "It also may be necessary move, given that younger viewers have been gravitating toward Web videos made by a new generation of artists. One purpose of the service is to add new types of shows to Comcast's cable package, allowing people to watch them on TV screens."

If that is accurate, Comcast will look to use their 27 million cable subscribers to boost the service, especially with younger viewers that are turning away from traditional TV at a rapid pace.

Unfortunately for the company, YouTube is a name even your grandmother knows, so Comcast will have an uphill battle if it really wants to get into the online video sharing market.


AfterDawn: News

iSuppli: Apple Watch Sport costs just $83.70 to build

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 May 2015 4:00

iSuppli: Apple Watch Sport costs just $83.70 to build IHS iSuppli has completed their component cost teardown of the Apple Watch this weekend, unsurprisingly reporting that the Watch is significantly cheaper to build than other Apple products.

The 38mm Apple Watch Sport, which has been the most popular seller due to its lower retail price, costs just $83.70 to build with a retail price of $349. With components costing just 24 percent of retail, there is a chance that Apple can be squeeze out higher margins than their average 40 percent they make on currently sold products after research and development, marketing, shipping and software costs are taken into account.

IHS confirmed that the Apple Watch Sport has 8GB of Toshiba flash storage, 512MB RAM from Micron, an accelerometer and gyroscope from STMicro and other interior components produced by Analog Devices, Maxim, Broadcam, NXP and STMicro.

The most expensive component was the display (OLED + cover glass) at $20.50 per unit, followed by Apple's own S1 processor at $10.20. Somewhat surprisingly, the box and charger and other packaging cost $9.

Check out the full teardown here: IHS iSuppli


AfterDawn: News

Samsung Pay expected to launch in 2H 2015

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 May 2015 3:34

Samsung Pay expected to launch in 2H 2015 According to a Samsung executive, the company's Samsung Pay mobile payments service is expected to launch in the second half of the year.

According to Samsung Electronics Managing Director Park Jin-Young, the service will first launch in South Korea and the U.S., rolling out to other nations later.

That being said, Park did note that "the consecutive release schedule to the rest of the other countries [...] in the second half of the year is still under discussion."

Samsung first announced the service during this year's Mobile World Congress event in Spain. Samsung acquired mobile payments platform LoopPay earlier this year as the basis of the technology for their own service which uses NFC and magnetic secure transmission (MST) to make payments.


AfterDawn: News

Bright House is Charter or Time Warner's next acquisition target in the ongoing cable industry consolidation

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 May 2015 11:00

Bright House is Charter or Time Warner's next acquisition target in the ongoing cable industry consolidation Just a week after Comcast's proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable was shut down by regulators, both Time Warner and rival Charter Communication have been in talks with smaller player Bright House for a potential acquisition.

Charter had agreed to acquire Bright House in March for $10.4 billion, but the deal was 100% contingent on Comcast's deal succeeding, and now has to be remade.

Bright House has a little over 2 million subscribers, but has steady cash flow and profits that make it attractive as a stepping stone to go after a larger fish, like Time Warner Cable, for example.

For Time Warner, an acquisition would be obvious as it would make their own company more expensive to purchase, would add on debt making them less attractive and take an asset away from a rival.

Many industry analysts believe a tie-up between Bright House, Charter and Time Warner is inevitable, and the combined entity would have around 25 million subscribers, close to Comcast's massive 27 million.


AfterDawn: News

Unity game engine announces support for Microsoft HoloLens

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 May 2015 10:33

Unity game engine announces support for Microsoft HoloLens Uunity has announced full support for Microsoft's upcoming HoloLens holographic computing platform.

HoloLens, which we got to see a nice hands-on of at this week's BUILD conference, is a "self-contained holographic computer headset" running Windows 10 allowing for the rendering of HD holograms that can be projected anywhere, are interactive, and will blend in with the rest of the real environment you are in.

Says Unity of the partnership:


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