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EvilLyrics v0.1.8 RC3 (build 141)

Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP
EvilLyrics is a small tool that works with Winamp and automatically searches for lyrics (on the internet among over 15 million lyrics) to the song that is currently played in Winamp.

It displays them in a small window that can be opened from the tray and also provides additional links to Google searches, Amazon album profiles, Lyric translations, offline storage and more. EvilLyrics also has a cool karaoke mode that highlights lyrics line-by-line. If karaoke isn’t available for your song, it’s easy to create your own karaoke timings. The karaoke mode works well, and in all it’s a nice addition to your digital music experience. If one version of lyrics isn’t good you can easily change to next version of lyrics. The latest version supports Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, RealPlayer, Foobar, Jetaudio, QCD, MusicMatch, MediaMonkey, Yahoo! Music Engine and Sonique.


EvilLyrics v0.1.91 EvilLyrics v0.1.91

evillyrics evil lyrics winamp windows media player

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 10 Oct 2012
Downloads 4,519
File size 648.76 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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EvilLyrics v0.1.9 build 143

I don't know why the first poster is having any complications, especially with such easily generic bands. I listen to a lot of punk and underground no-names, and I've gotten lyrics for mostly EVERY song. Maybe since they used Winamp, they didn't click the Winamp plugin during installation? Either way, this program is amazing for people who just want to listen to songs and have an abundant amount of files like me with over thousands... and then you hear a good song on your playlist and you're like "Wow, I need the lyrics to this!", and instead of searching for several minutes on multiple websites, it just pops right up in a small window you can minimize to tray. It also loads the lyrics VERY fast and tries finding them from multiple sources on the web for you. It also makes it easy for people who like to copy lyrics in to their actual mp3 files to view on their iPods or PSP's or something. All you do is go in to the properties of the file, and paste the lyrics EvilLyrics offers you. Even better is there's an internal option allowing the program to embed the lyrics in to the files via iTunes AUTOMATICALLY! It's a very easy, simple interface. Small file size, nothing bulky, and has multiple edits for the viewing of the lyrics. As I've tested, I've seen it worked the same for all the following programs(Note I'm up to date on all versions): iTunes, Real Player, Windows Media Player. If you don't agree to use the following applications to play your music, and use something else, this program is STILL for you. Just manually type the song as you would when searching lyrics. The best outcomes of this program come from when you name your files like (Artist) - (Song). If you're a music lover, and you archive your collection via PC, get this. It's a 5 on the program list for music fans. Oh, also, there's a new version out, but I haven't checked it. This one is fine for me for now until they update more media players such as VLC, Media Player Classic, and others. I use iTunes and this thing is fantastic.

EvilLyrics v0.1.9 build 143

This program did not find lyrics for a single song I played in Winamp. I played Danzig "Mother", Slipknot "Duality", Black Sabbath "Black Sabbath", Devil Driver "Nothings Wrong?" "Meet the Wreched", and several other lesser known metal tracks. Maybe it could have found the lyrics if I were listening to the really popular radio crap, but I'm not about to lower to that level.