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OBS Studio v25.0.8

Open source
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8
OBS Studio is a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.

Record everything from your monitor/screen, window or camera/capture card and stream to youtube, twitch, etc or save to your HDD as mp4/flv.

  • High performance real time video/audio capturing and mixing, with unlimited scenes you can switch between seamlessly via custom transitions.
  • Intuitive audio mixer with filter functionality such as noise gate, noise suppression, and gain.
  • Filters for video sources such as image masking, color correction, chroma/color keying, and more.
  • Powerful and easy to use configuration options. Add new Sources, duplicate existing ones, and adjust their properties effortlessly.
  • Free Download
    OBS Studio v25.0.8Filesize: 27.08 kB


    OBS Studio v18.0 OBS Studio v18.0 OBS Studio v18.0

    obs studio video recording live streaming transitions audio mixer video filters