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Foto2Avi v4.0

Vista / Win2k / Win7 / WinXP
Foto2Avi is a freeware basic video/photo converter to avi/mpeg/flv. It is an video editor too. Has special effects including:
  • Transitions (Flippage,Swirl...)
  • Basic Effects (Brightness/Noise/Fade in/Fade out)
  • Advanced Effects (Distort, Ripple)
  • Animations
  • Subtitles
  • Logos

Any of these effects is highy customizable. You have thousands of effecs right out of the box. It supports external audio sounds [mp3/ogg/wav]. Foto2avi can trim audio video streams with milisecond precision. So you can edit your sounds synchronize them with your videos. You can save your work in *.f2a project files so you cannot lose your work and reload them later.


Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta

foto2avi avi mpeg flv mp3 ogg wav

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 19 Feb 2015
Downloads 3,808
File size 16.57 MB (< 3min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Vista / Win2k / Win7 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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Foto2Avi v2.3

This software does NOT convert AVI to FLV, etc. What it DOES is take a group of static photos and convert them into a movie (AVI or FLV), and this it does VERY GOOD.

Foto2Avi v1.6 Beta

does not work. <br/>tried converting an AVI to FLV and nothing happened