This is an old version of this software. You can also download v3.0.10 (latest stable version).
or v3.0.11 Beta (latest beta version).
VLC v2.2.2 Beta
Open source
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
VLC (initially VideoLAN Client) is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network.
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video lan client
MPlayer has all the libavcodec library compiled in it. VLC installs each codec separately and requires 684 files.
Why make it sumply if the french "ecole centrale" students manage to make it so complicated !
I moved on to the KMPlayer long ago.
Now I use the Daum PotPlayer.
VLC is for old farts that still buy VHS.
Mulla ei lähde sitten millään flashit pyöriin tällä, ei MPC.llä!:(
Musasoittimena hieman hiomista, ainakin mulla kaatuu jos laittaa mediakirjastoon koko musa kansion (pienemmissä erissä toimii).
Musasoittimena paras puoli on ääni-valikon "käänteinen stereo ominaisuus", kotiteatterissa kun on takaseinän tykkikuvan takia kajarit normikäytössä just toisinpäin ja varsinkin vanhoja "iskelmiä" kuunnellessa stereo-vaikutus vaikuttaa...
Jos mediakirjaston saan vielä toimimaan niin, poistan muut playerit!!!
With VLC I was able to view almost all of them!
I still use Winamp for my music though. I like to get cool skins and VLC lacks in that department.
Up to now, I had never the case, that VLC 0.8.5 refused to play any ov the disks. THE IDEAL PLAYER in your Notebook.
It's independency on other codecs makes it easier to find out if you have a codec problem or not and which codecs may be the culprits. VLC is also better at playing "corrupted" files than I have ever seen in any other player. I'm sure there's a few other things I haven't mentioned, but that's a good start.