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WatchHDTV v1.960

Win2k / WinXP
WatchHDTV is a free program to watch, timeshift, and record OTA HDTV with any Windows XP compatible HDTV Tuner card.

WatchHDTV is the main program for viewing and recording HDTV. WatchHDTV Play is a file player to play any recordings made by WatchHDTV. WatchHDTV Scheduler is the scheduler and silent recorder for WatchHDTV. For ATI HDTV Wonder users, plug-ins are also included to use with the Remote Wonder.

Main Features:
  • Timeshifting- Timeshift, pause, and replay live HDTV. Skip forward and backwards in set intervals. Ability to change channel while timeshifting to another channel without disrupting current channel.
  • Recording- Record any channel live and can also schedule live recordings.
  • Silent Recording- Ability to record silently, meaning without any windows or visible program running, saving the recording for later viewing. CPU Usage is generally less than 10%, enabling your computer to be used for other tasks, including playing games with minimal CPU loss.
  • Multiple Tuner Support- Can be used with more than one tuner by creating separate folders for each tuner and each WatchHDTV install. Can watch/record/timeshift live with one tuner and silent record with another. Can record silently with mutiple tuners at the same time.
  • Scheduler- Schedule events to watch live, record live, timeshift, and silent record. Can schedule one-time and weekly events.
  • Full HD(1080i/720p) and AC3(Dolby Digital 5.1) recording


  • Small Size- WatchHDTV, WatchHDTV Play, and WatchHDTV Scheduler are less than 500KB per program Low CPU Usage- less CPU intensive than other programs, leaving your computer with plenty of power to use for other tasks
  • Low RAM Usage- uses less RAM than other programs, with initial RAM usage around 20MB for WatchHDTV(in comparison ATI MMC and DVICO FusionHDTV programs use anywhere from 50-100MB)
  • Built for Stability and Reliability- Development of WatchHDTV was started due to instability and unreliability of ATI MMC and DVICO FusionHDTV software. The primary goal for any release is to maintain stability and reliability.
  • Best of all- It's FREE!

System Requirements:

Windows XP required for Recording/Timeshifting(SP2 highly recommended)
Windows 2000 and MCE is unofficially supported- certain usage may work, but nothing is guaranteed.
HDTV Tuner Cards- currently supported cards: ATI HDTV Wonder, DVICO FusionHDTV series, AverMedia A180, VBox Tuners(150,151, USB), KWorld ATSC 110, Artec USB T14A, AutumnWave OnAir GT, and FujiPlus USB FD-USB728.(Only HDTV Wonder and FusionHDTV 2 are officially tested)- any Windows XP HDTV Tuner with BDA compatible drivers can be supported with a simple update
All other system requirements are similar to those stated by each tuner

Free Download
WatchHDTV v1.960Filesize: 394.90 kB


WatchHDTV v1.960

watchhdtv watch hdtv record timeshift live ac3

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 19 Sep 2007
Downloads 10,638
File size 394.90 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Win2k / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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WatchHDTV v1.960

Have gone through a half dozen programs trying to get this stinking Pinnacle PCTV HD card (801i) to work and yours is the best so far. Wish it worked with the WMC remote we bought before we discovered WMC didnt play well either.

29 Apr 2018