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Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.0 Build 6.5

Microsoft Windows Movie Maker is a video editing application by Microsoft available to Windows XP and Windows Vista users. Windows Movie Maker Installer allows you to install Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 6.0 in a fresh installation of Windows 7. You can then enjoy again DV export and a true timeline not found in the new Windows Live Movie Maker. Both versions of Movie Maker may be installed side-by-side though if needed. This installer supports both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.


Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.0 Build 6.5

microsoft windows movie maker installer 7 install

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 08 Aug 2013
Downloads 1,492,797
File size 12.97 MB (< 2min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Win71

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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Unverified new user
Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.2 Build 18.2

I installed Movie Maker for Windows 7 v1.2 Build 18.2 and it worked great.

29 Oct 2021
Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.2 Build 18.2

works good for me. used it last 2 days. tried the versions directly from microsoft and they would not work on my pc but this is working great. THANK YOU.

Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.2 Build 18.2

Windows Movie Maker is a great software package for a lot of video editing. There is a fluke that I encountered with my laptop and I had to reset the windows codecs to allow mp4 editing again. There is no virus with a Microsoft product. It was probably a corrupt codec in windows 7 and a lot of normal people do not know how to correct that issue. I just imagine there is an imaginary troll that corrupting the steaming codec on the internet. Use CodecTweakTool v6.04.

This is a great video editing software for creating streaming media without paying for one like Sony Vegas.

Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.2 Build 18.2

very useful software

Unverified new user
Windows Movie Maker Installer for Windows 7 v1.2 Build 18.2

there are how many part that should be download? BTW nice

23 Jun 2014