Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.9
Design your room, an apartment consisting of more rooms, floor plan, or the whole house with more floors.
Room Arranger has simple user interface and is easy to work with. Once you get the basics, you can draw whatever you imagine. Can't find your piece of furniture in the library? Create it...
Room Arranger is shareware. It is distributed free of charge. You are free to evaluate Room Arranger for a period of 30 days, then you are required to register the program.
Room Arranger has simple user interface and is easy to work with. Once you get the basics, you can draw whatever you imagine. Can't find your piece of furniture in the library? Create it...
Room Arranger is shareware. It is distributed free of charge. You are free to evaluate Room Arranger for a period of 30 days, then you are required to register the program.
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floor plan
License type
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Date added
12 Apr 2015
File size
17.36 MB
(< 3min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems
1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.
12 Apr 2015Room Arranger for Mac OS X v8(Latest stable version)
13 Jan 2015Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.9
01 Dec 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.8
21 Nov 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.7
17 Sep 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.5
15 Aug 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.4
03 Aug 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.3
27 Jul 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5.1
19 Jul 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5
14 Jun 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.5 Beta
29 Apr 2014Room Arranger for Mac OS X v7.4.2
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