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Notepad3 v5.19.815.2595

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Notepad3 is a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting, intended to be an upgrade for the Notepad app in Windows.

Microsoft has barely updated its Notepad application in Windows in decades. Notepad3 comes with all the features that the default Windows Notepad currently lacks.

Notepad3 has the following features: code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace.

Syntax highlighting is supported for a whole bunch of scripting and programming languages, including ASP, assembly language, AutoHotkey, AutoIt3, AviSynth, Bash, BAT, C, C++, C#, CMake, CoffeeScript, Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), DIFF, HTML, INF, INI, Inno Setup, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lua, Markdown, NSIS, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REG, Ruby, SQL, Tcl, Visual Basic (VB), VBScript, VHDL scripts, XHTML, XML, YAML and improved support for NFO ANSI art.

It''s an excellent text editor to replace the Windows notepad, and gives other popular alternatives (such as Notepad++) a run for their money!
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Notepad3 v5.19.815.2595Filesize: 3.58 MB


Notepad3 v1.0.2.350

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notepad3 text editor windows notepad replacement