Mozilla Firefox v80.0Firefox is Mozilla''s next generation web browser.
Date updated:08/26/2020
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BitComet v1.70BitComet is a highly versatile and powerful BitTorrent client
Date updated:08/14/2020
Filesize:27.81 kB
Adobe Flash Player (Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome) 64-bit v11.6.602.180Adobe Flash Player is the high-performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.
Date updated:03/20/2013
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DC++ v0.866DC++ is a NeoModus Direct Connect compatible open source file sharing tool
Date updated:05/21/2017
Filesize:87.83 MB
PeerGuardian for Windows 2000/XP/2003Special firewall for blocking authorities while using P2P services
Date updated:01/19/2009
Filesize:1.60 MB
Skype v8.63.0.76Skype is a free, mega popular Net voice call software that uses P2P technology to provide low bandwidth usage combined with high audio quality.
Date updated:08/03/2020
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uTorrent v3.5.4.44520”Torrent (aka uTorrent) is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows.
Date updated:08/20/2018
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Vuze v5.7.6.0Azureus is Java based BitTorrent client, with multiple torrent downloads, seeding, embedded tracker and lots more.
Date updated:11/03/2017
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SoftEther VPN Client v2020.08.19With SoftEther VPN Client with VPN Gate Client Plug-in you can make a VPN connection easily, comfortably and quickly
Date updated:08/19/2020
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eMule v0.5.0aeMule is a very good open-source P2P tool that uses the same protocol as eDonkey2000.
Date updated:04/12/2010
Filesize:3.23 MB