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Safari for Mac OS X v3.0 (522.11) Beta

Safari is a Web Browser from Apple. It includes everything you'd expect from a modern browser: tabbed browsing, rss support, security features, etc, plus a couple of new features too, such as resizable text fields.

Product hilights
  • Blazing Performance - Safari is the fastest web browser on any platform.
  • Elegant User Interface - Safari’s clean look lets you focus on the web, not your browser.
  • Easy Bookmarks - Organize your bookmarks just like you organize music in iTunes.
  • Pop-up Blocking - Say goodbye to annoying pop-up ads and pop-under windows.
  • Inline Find - Search any text on any website with the integrated Find banner.
  • Tabbed Browsing - Open and switch between multiple web pages in a single window.
  • SnapBack - Instantly snap back to search results or the top level of a website.
  • Forms AutoFill - Let Safari complete online forms for you, automatically and securely.
  • Built-in RSS - RSS tells you when new content is added to your favorite sites.
  • Resizable Text Fields - Resize text fields on any website: Just grab the corner and drag.
  • Private Browsing - Keep your online activities private with a single click.
  • Security - Apple engineers designed Safari to be secure from day one.


Safari for Mac OS X v5.0.4

Other editions:

safari www web browser apple rss tab

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 22 Jul 2011
Downloads 3,159
File size 14.53 MB (< 2min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems OSX1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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