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DreamMail v6.2.6.28

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
DreamMail is one of the best Chinese email client software. It was designed to handle multi-user and multi email account. The supported protocols are SMTP, eSMTP, POP 3, Hotmail and Yahoo... With the additional remote mailbox access function, you might use it to logon your mail account remotely and check the mail content, preview even to delete it directly from the server; The combination use of mail filter, blacklist and white list, can sort out the junk mail effectively.

  • Multi-accounts & Multi-users
  • Templates and signatures management
  • Antispam filter
  • POP3, SMTP, ESMTP, Webmail
  • Messages filtering
  • View in HTML or TEXT mode
  • Remote mailbox access

    Portable, no installation required.
  • Screenshots:

    DreamMail v4.6.8.6 DreamMail v4.6.8.6 DreamMail v4.6.8.6 DreamMail v4.6.8.6

    dreammail email client remote server antispam filter

    License type Freeware1
    Author's homepage Visit the author's site
    Date added 19 Mar 2020
    Downloads 4,007
    File size 26.71 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
    Supported languages English,  Spanish,  Dutch
    Operating systems Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1

    1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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