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This is the latest beta version of this software.
The latest stable version is v3.1.12.
Download the latest stable version from here.


Gpg4win v2.2.2 beta

Open source
Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Gpg4win (GNU Privacy Guard for Windows) is encryption software for files and emails.

Gpg4win enables users to securely transport emails and files with the help of encryption and digital signatures. Encryption protects the contents against an unwanted party reading it. Digital signatures make sure that it was not modified and comes from a specific sender.

Gpg4win supports both relevant cryptography standards, OpenPGP and S/MIME (X.509), and is the official GnuPG distribution for Windows. It is maintained by the developers of GnuPG. Gpg4win and the software included with Gpg4win are Free Software (Open Source; among other things free of charge for all commercial and non-commercial purposes).

Gpg4win is an installer for Windows and contains several Free Software components:
  • GnuPG
    The core; this is the actual encryption tool.
  • Kleopatra
    A certificate manager for OpenPGP and X.509 (S/MIME) and common crypto dialogs.
  • GPA
    An alternative certificate manager for OpenPGP and X.509 (S/MIME).
  • GpgOL
    A plugin for Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013 (email encryption).
  • GpgEX
    A plugin for Microsoft Explorer (file encryption).
  • Claws Mail
    A complete email application with crypto support.
  • Gpg4win Compendium
    The documentation (for beginner and advanced users), available in English and German.
  • Screenshots:

    Gpg4win v2.2.1 Gpg4win v2.2.1 Gpg4win v2.2.1

    Other editions:

    gpg4win gnu encryption pgp openpgp s/mime digital signatures