System tools
FreeFixer (Portable) v1.19FreeFixer Portable is a tool that assists in the removal of malicious software, such as adware, spyware, trojans, viruses and worms.
Date updated:10/09/2018
Filesize:2.49 MB
Console (Portable)Console is a Windows console window enhancement.
Date updated:06/29/2011
Filesize:1.49 MB
NirSoft WhatIsHang (64-bit) v1.27This utility tries to detect the software or process that is currently hung, and displays some information that may allow you to sort out and understand what exactly is at the root of such unexpected behavior.
Date updated:02/05/2015
Filesize:74.92 kB
Puran Disk Cleaner v1.2Puran Disk Cleaner is a free lightweight tool that can remove junk and temporary files from your system.
Date updated:09/10/2013
Filesize:1.44 MB
Simple Shutdown Timer (portable) v1.1.2Simple Shutdown Timer is a very simply app that will carry out a Shutdown command a specified period of time. This version is portable.
Date updated:10/20/2015
Filesize:73.68 kB
Registry Recycler (portable) v0.9.3.1Registry Recycler is a free utility that scans your PC and Windows Registry for errors and problems it can fix. This portable version does not include an installer.
Date updated:08/15/2016
Filesize:1.08 MB
VSCryptoHash (portable) v2.4.3.505VSCryptoHash is cryptographic hash calculation software that is very easy to use.
Date updated:11/20/2014
Filesize:2.57 MB
NirSoft UserAssistView v1.02UserAssistView decrypt and displays the list of all UserAssist entries stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUserAssist key in the Registry.
Date updated:02/29/2012
Filesize:34.32 kB
Restamper v1.7.0Restamper is a tool that can edit the time stamps of files.
Date updated:04/15/2014
Filesize:394.21 kB
Alternate Task Manager v2.810Alternate Task Manager is just an alternative task manager for Windows available for free.
Date updated:10/06/2019
Filesize:895.81 kB