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Nokia Suite v2.1

Vista / Win7 / WinXP
Nokia Suite is a software for connecting and synchronising your Nokia phone with your computer. Ovi Suite allows you to back up important files and settings from the phone to the computer, for example before updating. You can also use your phonebook and calendar, send sms and mms messages, browse files stored on the phone and transfer music and videos to it.

The Ovi Suite comes also with the Nokia Software Updater, which makes it possible to download and install the newest firmware to the mobile phone connected. With the synchronizing-tool you can keep your pc's and your phone's contacts and calendar notes synced. Synchronizing supports Microsoft Outlook or Windows Calendar. If you are registered to the Ovi-site, you can also share and upload content from your phone through the software.

A full list of supported phones can be found at the Nokia Ovi Suite website.


Nokia Suite 1.1

nokia ovi suite sync

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 03 Jan 2013
Downloads 122,813
File size 93.81 MB (< 13min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages English,  Finnish,  Swedish
Operating systems Vista / Win7 / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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Nokia Suite v3.6.36

Para alterar a Agenda, é preciso comprar o Microsoft Office, só para usar o Outlook.
O PC Nokia Suite funciona muito melhor.

Nokia Ovi Suite 1.1

Invasive rubbish. It's bloatware and doesn't have the option to turn the synchronising off. This means it'll send data transfer requests to your mobile phone every now and then--even if you've turned the main interface off. Why? Because the blasted thing keeps running in the background and you can't even turn it off in Task Manager in Vista--the processes keep restarting themselves. Basically, it won't let you decide when to turn the software on and off and when to synchronise with your phone. I just uninstalled it and will go looking for a better piece of basic Bluetooth software right now.