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DiskCheckup v3.4

Vista / Win10 / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
DiskCheckup from PassMark Software is a tool you can use to montor the SMART attributes of a particular hard disk drive.

SMART stands for Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology, and it is a feature on a computer's hard disk for providing various monitoring indicators of disk reliability.

If SMART is enabled on a hard disk, the system administrator can receive analytical information from the hard drive to determine a possible future failure of the hard drive.

DiskCheckup displays the current values of the SMART attributes, along with the Threshold value for that attribute. If an attribute drops below its threshold, the drive cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet its specifications in the future.

Additionally it can also execute built-in Disk Self Test (DST) routines implemented by the vendor to detect drive failures. There are two main self test routines: Short Test and Extended Test. The results of these tests are displayed in DiskCheckup.

NOTE: DickCheckup is free for personal use only. Commercial use requires the purchase of a license.
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DiskCheckup v3.4Filesize: 1.62 MB


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diskcheckup smart hdd health test