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This is the latest beta version of this software.
The latest stable version is v9.
Download the latest stable version from here.


UpdateStar v2.2.614 Beta

Vista / Win2k / Win7 / WinXP
UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software.

You can use UpdateStar to look for available updates and manage all of your installations, install updates or uninstall programs on your computer. An UpdateStar icon will appear in your system tray and display a notification when updates are available. This way you make sure to always use the most up-to-date software, maximizing your every-day user experience. UpdateStar knows more than 80.000 software products and lets you know once an update is available.


UpdateStar v6.0.1036

updatestar update start upgade install remove uninstall