Edge Blocker v1.6
Edge Blocker is a portable app that can block Microsoft Edge from being run in Windows 10.
In Windows 10, Microsoft Edge is the default web browser and also the default PDF document viewer. If you would prefer that Edge be blocked from running, this app can achieve it with one click.
If run by an account with Administrative privileges, Edge Blocker will block the app from running on all user accounts. However, if run on only a Standard account, it will not block it from running on other users'' accounts.
In Windows 10, Microsoft Edge is the default web browser and also the default PDF document viewer. If you would prefer that Edge be blocked from running, this app can achieve it with one click.
If run by an account with Administrative privileges, Edge Blocker will block the app from running on all user accounts. However, if run on only a Standard account, it will not block it from running on other users'' accounts.
HTML code for linking to this page:
edge blocker
microsoft edge
windows 10
License type
Author's homepage
Visit the author's site
Date added
30 Jul 2020
File size
27.71 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages
Operating systems
1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.
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