Win10 Spy Disabler (portable) v1.5
Win10 Spy Disabler can disable telemetry and data collection services in the Windows 10 operating system.
Key Features:
NOTE: This portable version doesn't include an installer.
Key Features:
- Ask to Create a Restore Point Before Apply Changes
- Disable Spying Services (DiagTrack, Wecsvc, Dmwappushservice)
- Disable Spying Scheduled Tasks (Application Experience, CEIP)
- Disable Telemetry & Data Collection (AutoLogger, DataCollection, etc)
- Remove Default Built-in Windows 10 Apps (Bing, Money, Calendar, Mail, etc)
- Show Hidden and System Files, Show File Extensions
- Uninstall OneDrive Completely (OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall)
- Disable Recent Files and Folders History Completely
- Ask a Confirmation on File and Folder Deletion
- Optimize NTFS Partition Settings (Disable 8dot3Name, LastAccessUpdate)
- Disable Office 2016 Telemetry (AllowTelemetry) and Logging
- Block Microsoft Telemetry Hosts (Using "etchosts" File)
- Disable Xbox Services (XblAuthManager, XblGameSave, XboxNetApiSvc)
- Ask to Reboot the PC when Changes Have Been Applied
- Optimize Important Windows 10 Privacy Settings
- Works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (3264-bit)
NOTE: This portable version doesn't include an installer.
Other editions:
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