e-reader (page: 2)

According to new figures from Pew Internet Research, e-reader ownership is moving at a blistering pace.
E-reader ownership among U.S. adults ......

Google has launched their first e-reader this week, via a partnership with iriver.
The iriver Story HD will go on sale on Sunday at $140, ......

Barnes & Noble, the proud owners of the highest-rated dedicated e-reader, ever, are giving users even more incentive to pick up a new Nook.

Consumer Reports has reported today that the new Nook Simple Touch Reader is their highest-rated e-ink e-reader, ever, ahead of Amazon's market ......

Barnes & Noble has unveiled its latest e-reader today at a special launch event.
The device will be smaller (about the size of a paperback ......

Speaking to investors this week, Barnes & Noble has announced that it will reveal a new tablet or e-reader on May 24th, with many speculating ......

Amazon has announced today it will begin selling an ad-subsidized Kindle reader for $114, a full $25 discount off the regular price for the ......

Barnes & Noble has revealed today that an upcoming software update in April will turn the Nook Color e-reader into a tablet, adding Flash and apps.

Barnes & Noble has followed Amazon's recent Kindle announcement by claiming that the Nook e-reader is their best-selling item, ever, just like ......

BlogKindle has posted instructions on how to root the new Nook Color e-reader, opening up the device to Android apps like the Amazon Kindle application.

Amazon has said today that the latest Kindle has become the best-selling item on the site, ever.
Without disclosing numbers, Amazon says ......

Sony has noted today that their 'Reader' line of e-readers is selling out, worldwide, with supply dwindling for some models.
The company's ......
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