Sony (page: 3)

An analyst is predicting that Sony will speed up its console refresh cycle and release the PlayStation 5 in the second half of 2018.

Still remember the first time you played Resistance: Fall of Man or Ridge Racer 7? I might well be that it was over 10 years ago on a brand ......

Sony has reduced the Uncharted 4 PS4 Slim bundle price to $249, and now you can also get an additional $25 gift card on top.

Sony's PlayStation 4 (PS4) consoles outsold Microsoft's Xbox One during November, ending a trend that had the Xbox One on top since July.

Sony is once again taking $50 off the price of a PS4 bundle for two weeks this month.

Having been available for three years, Sony's PlayStation 4 games console has just passed a key sales milestone this month.

Sony has announced two officially licensed pro controllers coming for the PS4 this year; the Razer Raiju and Nacon Revolution.

Sony has revealed that PlayStation 4 has received its latest update. The patch version is a big 4.00 which means that there will be important ......

Sony has officially announced the new PlayStation 4 models. As expected, Sony introduced the new slimmer PlayStation 4 as well as a new Pro ......

Sony started their E3 keynote yesterday giving the fans exactly what they wanted: a new God of War game.

Legendary game developer Hideo Kojima stole the show yesterday at E3, showing off a new game titled Death Stranding featuring The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus.

Electronics giant Sony announced this week that following two major earthquakes their image sensor factory will remain closed indefinitely.

GameStop COO Tony Bartel has made some waves this week when he noted that he believes some new console launches seem imminent.

Sony has confirmed that its 4K movie streaming service Ultra will launch early next month, letting customers buy and stream movies in 4K (UltraHD) resolution.

Sony has paid $750 million to buy out Michael Jackson's stake in a jointly owned catalog of over 4 million songs.

Earlier this week, Sony announced its quarterly earnings, showing small growth in revenue and a nice boost in profits thanks to strong PlayStation and Sony Pictures sales.

Alongside the announcement of a few new powerful 4K TVs, Sony also announced that their 4K TVs will allow consumers to buy and stream Sony Pictures movies in 4K quality.

After successfully navigating the holidays with only minor blips, the PlayStation Network had a major outage today, with most users experiencing downtime of over 12 hours.

Sony has given fans what they want, a dedicated PlayStation Messages app for iOS and Android.

A month and a half ago Reuters rumored that Sony's booming camera business, one of the few divisions making profit in the company, would be ......
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