iOS [sivu: 5]

Android continues to take Chinese market share
Spoitfy launches free radio for iOS users
Survey: Developers prefer iOS over Android
Android now at 900,000 daily activations
Facebook unveils 'Facebook Camera'
Foxconn to build new factories dedicated to Apple products
Redsn0w will now let you downgrade all iOS devices to earlier firmware
Pebble smartwatch breaks Kickstarter record in 5 days
Apple television to be called 'iPanel'?
Instagram finally headed to Android
Over half of U.S. households own current-gen console, says Nielsen
iOS app OTA limit increased to 50MB
iOS App Store: 25 billion served
Report: iOS apps crash more than Android apps
Steam app headed to iOS, Android
Xbox Live headed to Android, iOS
iPhone 5 ready for production?
iPad 2, iPhone 4S see new untethered jailbreak
Infographic: Pulse app sees huge surge in downloads
1.2 billion apps were downloaded in the last week of 2011
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