iOS [sivu: 6]

Apple TV hack allows for full-screen iOS apps
Wow, almost 7 million iOS and Android devices were activated on Christmas
Latest iOS update makes it possible to enable Siri on older iPhones
SkyDrive app released for Windows Phone and iOS
BBC releases 3G iPlayer app for iPhone
Xbox Live companion app for iOS, Windows Phone released
As expected, Android and iOS continue to grow market share
Google pulls support for native Gmail app on BlackBerry
iOS 5 now installed on 38 percent of all iPhones
Apple boots researcher from developer program for publicizing iOS vulnerability
Android moves to 43 percent U.S. smartphone market share
Gfail - Google launches and then pulls iOS Gmail app
Android Market app downloads finally surpass iOS App Store
Rockstar bringing GTA III to Android, iOS; shows off 10th anniversary video
Nintendo reiterates: No games for Android, iOS
Google launches iOS web app for Music platform
Adobe launches Flash Media Server 4.5, complete with iOS video solution
Nielsen: Android takes 40 percent share in U.S.
July comScore: Android is killing it
iOS jailbreaker takes internship at Apple
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